
Showing posts from January, 2014

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

If you have arrived on this page then you are most likely looking for Valentine’s Day Gift ideas and it can be tricky to know what to get that special one. The main thing you have to think about is the stage of relationship you are at and of course your and their age. If you are still at school then a card can do the trick and make sure you write them a really nice poem. If you are a new couple then a perfect Valentine’s Day gift is to get them a gift they would love and for that you can check out our list of the top 10 Valentines Gifts . Of course Valentine’s Day can be an awesome time to rekindle the magic in a relationship and you can do this by getting a card and a dozen red roses. Another good tip is to take them out to dinner and while you are there focus on romance. If you are unsure about how to be romantic the main thing is to talk about them, compliment them and simple manners go a long way. Hold the door open, take their coat off for them and of course it is your job to pic

Assembling the Top Craft

Wall hangers are easy to create. The minute size quilts once created will make a nice gift and/or decoration for your home. Once you have your parts together, as well as have your tools you can get started making a wall hanger. If you are new to quilting, do not worry since the hanger we are making is one of the easier groups of craft to create. Do not forget to get your rotary cutters on hand, since throughout your quilting project you will need to cut ¼-inch allowances for your seams. Now, assuming you have your green, tan, blue, yellow, and peach print in order we can get started making your top section of the quilt. Briefly, I will go over the sections to help you prepare. You should have two, 2 ½ x 19 ½ inches of upper and lower borders in the green prints. You should have another two borders in green at the size of 2 ½ x 27 ½ inches. You should have the value of 36 for your D Square and the size at 1 ½ x 1 ½ inches. Tan print has six parts, i.e. A-strip, B piece, C-Strip, D-E squ

Assembling the Crown of your Crafty Quilt

You have created flowers, basket, handles, etc, so now it’s time to assemble your crafty quilt. Let’s get started. How to Assemble:   You are assembling the crown of your quilt at this point. If you haven’t started your craft project to create the Spring Basket, leave this work to those who are at the crown. To collect your crown use your threads that counterpart and begin blind stitching across your fabric, sewing your flower onto the fabric, as well as two of your foliages. Sew to the center bloom as well, and stitch en route for the wrong side (left) of your created 3-block baskets. Stitch to the right and finish your final blocks. (3) At the lower region of your basket, affix your blooms so that they join with the handles. Now, snip your lighter shades of filaments/strands, and shades of pink (6) silkworm fibers (Floss), cutting lengthwise so that it is corresponding with the measurements lengthwise of your arm. You want to create strands (3) on each section of fiber. Divide and u

Top 10 Tips to Get Through the Airport Checkpoint Quickly

Seems travelers love to hate the screeners at the airport. Dont forget, the front line personnel that you see as you produce your way toward the gate are just the worker bees. They’re not Congress and they’re not the huge wig choice makers. If at times they seem like robots, deviating extremely little from their spcheel, it’s because they've procedures that they must follow and deviating from the standard operation procedure isn't an option. There are a number of things you are able to do yourself to speed things along. Listed within are the top 10 tips to help your visit to the airport security checkpoint hassle-free. Have your boarding pass and government issued photo ID readily available. A few airports have someone checking your boarding pass and ID as you 1st approach your concourse, then shortly thereafter there exists an additional employee requesting for the equivalent thing. As a matter of fact they can be requesting for the equivalent thing, however these employees,

Best Time to go to Disney World

When deciding on the best time for you and your family to visit Disney World, the main issue is usually the crowds. When visiting any major theme park, you are going to experience large crowds; And since Disney World is the most popular theme park in the world, there is hardly a day at the park without large crowds. If you do your research, you can find certain times of the year, January and September for example, that are less busy at Disney World. Even though you may enjoy shorter lines during these times, there are downsides to going at these less busy times of the year. For one, Disney has more festivities planned during certain times of the year like Christmas and New Years. For many people, it is worth fighting the crowds to be at Disney World during these times of major festivities. Crowds are not the only factor when deciding on the best time to visit Disney World. It is also a good idea to take the weather into account. Many people assume that any time of the year is perfect w

8 Things Not To Forget When Traveling to The Tropics

Sometimes it is hard to pack for a place or climate that is new. When packing to go to the tropics there are some items that you don't want to forget. 1. Appropriate Identification: With tighter security these days it simply makes sense to carry a passport and photo ID. Also be sure to have identification for your children traveling with you. 2. Contraceptives: Well... If you think you will be getting down and dirty on your trip you should bring contraceptives. 3. Appropriate Clothing: Yes the tropics are warm but if a sudden storm rolls in it can get quite cool, fast. Always bring good shoes, pants and even a light jacket. I find it is better to pack lightly, You never know when you will need to carry your luggage for a distance. 3 or 4 full changes of cloths will often be enough. 4. Sunscreen: SPF 30 minimum. Any less and you stand to get burned. A sunscreen should also contain either zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Before leaving on your trip it is a good idea to spend some time i

5 Reasons to Take a Holiday in New Zealand

Here are the 5 Reasons to Take a Holiday in New Zealand 1. Queenstown in the South Island is considered to be the "Adventure Capital of the World". You can bungy jump or go on a thrilling jet boat ride, go heli-skiing, sky diving, fly-by-wire, and luging to name a few. Both bungy jumping and jet boating were invented in New Zealand. New Zealanders have a saying about Kiwi ingenuity which is borne out in the tourist spots within New Zealand. 2. There is a wide array of different accommodation options to cater for all tastes. At the upper end there are Lodges which are the height of luxury. These lodges are ordinarily located in very scenic and secluded areas and all gourmet meals are included in the price. The price of this type of accommodation reflects the luxury and inclusions. The next level of accommodation is hotels, from international 5 star down to 2 star for basic accommodation. The hotels will tend to be serviced on a daily basis and usually include one room a

Visit Rome a Historical City

Do you bear a passion for history? Are you interested in ancient architecture and temples? Do age-long and legendary activities beckon you? If so, then you must definitely explore the ancient lands of Rome, at least once in your lifetime. With an area of about 150 square kilometers, and a population of 3.8 million, Rome still stands tall in the vast field of world history. Whenever we come across Rome, Etruscan tombs, Republican meeting rooms, Imperial temples, ancient Christian churches, medieval bell towers, Renaissance palaces, and Baroque basilicas strike the core of our mind and we enter the superficial world of history and architecture. Rome takes us through the pages of history. Rome is situated halfway down Italy's western coast, about 20 kilometers inland. Rome is a large city, though the historical area is quite small. A majority of the Rome historical sights are restricted within a reasonable distance of the central railway station, Stazione Termini. All t

Burning Bush Craft

These crafts to illustrate the lesson of Burning Bush range from simple to involved.  A couple can be adapted from their original idea to specifically fit this lesson. Materials: Paper bowls Glue Water Paintbrushes White construction paper Scissors Red and yellow tissue paper Instructions: 1. Using the red and yellow tissue paper, cut into 2-inch teardrop patterns, and make several of each color per child. 2. Give each child a white piece of construction paper and a paintbrush. 3. Set out bowls containing a mixture of one part glue and one part water. 4. Have the children place red and yellow tissue flames on the paper at random,  overlapping the yellow and red flames. 5. Have the children paint over the flames with the glue mixture using a paintbrush. The overlap of the yellow and red flames should produce orange flames.

Aluminium Fish Craft

I always hate to throw away used aluminum foil because I feel there has to be some great use for it that I just don't know about. I decided it was time for me to do a good search for the best foil crafts, and if I was able to find more than just a couple of foil crafts, I would share them with you. I'll share with you pictures of the foil crafts that I found, plus the name of the site where you can find the project. All you'll need to do is just click on the site name and you'll be taken directly to the page with the directions and, if appropriate, patterns. Materials: 2 aluminum pie plates Heavy poster paper Pencil Scissors Stapler Scrap wood pieces to create a base for the fish Water-based paint Paintbrushes Instructions: First, place the 2 pie plates together (bottoms facing out) and secure with staples. You can always use masking tape instead but the staples work the best. Next, take 2 pieces of poster paper and draw out the following shapes: a fish head, a top fin,

Cool Face Painting Ideas For Kids

If there's one thing we can be sure of, is that kids love to have their faces painted...most of them at least! These 30 quick & easy face paint ideas for kids will give you some insight into the world of face painting, and also help you give your child or client an amazing experience! These face paint ideas are easy to replicate and follow along to, thanks to our very talented and knowledgeable face painters. Whether you're looking for new ideas, or want to perfect that cat face paint, you've come to the right place! Below, we've compiled 30 of our best, easiest, and quickest face paint ideas for kids so that no matter how skilled (or not) you are, you CAN pull these off! Now of course these are intended mainly for children, but there's nothing in the rule book (what rule book?!) that says adults can't rock these face paint designs! Grab your paints, sponge and brush and check out these 30 quick and easy face paint makeup ideas for the face and body!